Returns & Exchanges

Did the product not meet your expectations, or do you want to change the size or color?

Here you can find information on how to make a return and what happens when you have sent a return or made an exchange. You have 14 days to decide whether you wish to keep your products, counted from the day you received the package.

How to make a return:

Go to the postal office (we recommend DHL). Pay the shipping and send your return to this address:

Dennis M AB
Box 48
71121 Lindesberg

Please make sure to keep a receipt and a tracking number as a proof of your return. And keep this until you receive a confirmation of your return from us!

Email us if you have any questions!

[email protected]

Remember that you as the customer are responsible for the return until we have received and registered it. Always save your submission receipt. It can take up to 14 days for the return package to reach us and be processed in our warehouse. In order for you to use your right of withdrawal, you must return the item in new condition, in the original packaging with any patches and labels intact and attached to the garment.

(We do not accept returns on underwear and beauty items for hygienic reasons and Mystery Bag.)


I have ordered several items and would like to return part of my order. What should I do with the invoice?

You must pay for what you keep on the invoice you received, before it becomes due. A new invoice will not be issued. When we receive your return, we delete the returned goods from the invoice.

I have already paid directly when ordering. I now want to make a return and wonder how long it will take to get my money back?

From the date we receive your return, it takes approx. 7 days for your refund to reach you. Please note that during peak periods it may take up to 4 weeks for us to process your return. The refund is handled by Klarna and for details on how the refund is done or questions about payment and refund, you can contact Klarna.

Information regarding your right of withdrawal

You always have the right of cancellation for 14 days in accordance with current consumer protection legislation. This means that you as a customer have the right to cancel your purchase by notifying us of this within 14 days from when you or a representative of yours received the ordered item (the cancellation period).

The item must be returned to us as soon as possible, and you as the customer are responsible for ensuring that the return is received by us no later than 14 days from the date you notified us that you have exercised your right of withdrawal. The item must be sent well packaged, in good condition and in original box.

For hygienic reasons, we cannot accept returns of beauty products and non-sealed bikinis and underwear. Right of withdrawal/exchange does not apply to Mystery Bag.